How To Determine Fault After A Car Vs. Truck Accident

While any type of vehicle accident can be serious and unsettling to those involved, car accidents that involve a commercial truck have a higher chance of serious injuries and even death. When these types of vehicles are involved in an accident, how do you know for sure who is at fault? Is the car driver the one most likely to win a lawsuit in this case, or is the truck driver more likely to win? [Read More]

What to Do When Your Child Is Injured in Competitive Sports

As many as three out of every four families with school-aged children have at least one child that competes in an organized sport. For the overwhelming majority of parents and children who participate, their experience is great. However, this is not the case for every family. There are a number of children who get injured while competing. As a parent, knowing what to do is important. Determining Fault After ensuring your child is okay, the next question you want answered is determining who exactly is at fault. [Read More]

2 Reasons Your Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied

If you have recently been injured or fell ill and are unable to work, you may try to file for Social Security disability insurance. There is no guarantee that you will be approved for benefits, as the procedure can be very strict. There are any instances when claims are denied, and the denials come for a number of reasons. This can be very frustrating and discouraging, especially when you need the additional income. [Read More]

Tips For Protecting Your Rights After Experiencing A Serious Accident

Being involved in a serious accident can be a terrible experience that results in major expenses, injuries and disabilities. Understanding the steps that you should be taking after suffering an accident will allow you to protect your legal rights when it comes to pursuing compensation for your damages from the party that is responsible for the accident. Seek An Immediate Medical Evaluation After you have been involved in an accident, you should consider seeking a medical evaluation. [Read More]